Our Story...

Once upon a Sunday morning, at our usual at home breakfast routine, as Gianni sat on his chair, waiting for his chocolate chip pancakes to be made, by me, aka mama bear.  Suddenly, Gianni yelped in fear.. mommy, mommy there's a bug in here!! jumped out of his seat he ran. I see this fly, and there I stood an expert at swatting quite a few flies, having born in Indonesia. After a few failed attempts to take out this monster of a fly, it manages to make way to our screen door. Naturally, I see it's point, one very well deserving of a way out. Alright buddy, off you go! ready to live for another day. Now that is one Lucky Fly! We hope you enjoy our story, and enjoy our collection of wearable artwork.

xo! Leony & Gianni

Lucky Fly Clothing is a mother and son apparel company. Based out of Orange County, California, built on lots of love for creating, travel, living and eternal love for each other.